Sunday, 30 January 2011

Too much air

Are ships sinking in the Bermuda Triangle?

Press the button to send air bubbles into the plastic tube and watch what happens to the ship.

When the bubbles reach the surface of the water, the ship begins to sink.

Gas released from the bottom rises as bubbles toward the surface. A large amount of bubbles decreases the mean density of the water, and a ship situated where the gas reaches the surface will lose the buoyant force of the water and sink like a stone.

The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular region in the Atlantic Ocean, located between the southern tip of Florida, and the isles of Puerto Rico and Bermuda, where numerous ships and aeroplanes have allegedly disappeared. According to one theory, the reason for the disappearances of ships is the methane gas in the sea bottom around Bermuda. There is, however no theoretical or statistical evidence for this hypothesis.



  1. Hi

    I did not really understand, how air bubbles could sink a ship. Could you explain a little more detailed?

  2. Hi Maggie

    You can try yourself this in a Spa. Go to the bubble bath and try to swim during the heavy bubbling. You will immediately sink.

  3. I tried yesterday in Naantali Spa. It really worked. I sank.
